
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Success!

It's only taken us 4 months to take a decent picture of all three kids. They may not be looking in the same direction exactly, but there are no tears or runny noses in sight (unlike our last attempt!)


  1. cute I know how hard it is to get all the little ones in one shot

  2. Boy, do I feel you pain with everyone smiling at the same time for the camera!

    Happy WW!

  3. So cute! Mind you, I only have two and that is a challenge. Getting all three to cooperate would be hard, especially the little ones.

  4. Oh, very cute! I love it. Her hair is great, btw.

  5. You can tell who the ham for the camera is in this picture!

    Happy WW!

  6. I have the hardest time getting all of mine to stay still and smile and look in the same direction. I think I've given up on that perfect picture.

  7. That is a great pic! I only have one kid and that's difficult enough to get a good pic!

  8. That's funny. I have a hard time getting my kids to pose and they're 16 and 12!

  9. Hooray for getting a picture with everyone in it! This was worth the wait, because it came out great. They are all so precious.

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  10. Woohoo! big high five to you because I know how nearly impossible that is to do.

  11. Oh, and that's a cute one too! I love Big Brother's expression.


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