
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We're taking this show on the road!

We love to travel, but haven't gotten out a whole lot since baby #3 joined us in January. Honestly, just the idea of packing up all of the gear, and clothing, and the mountain of snacks we would need and heading somewhere else seems like we'd just be relocating our circus of daily toddler acrobatics, daring diaper changes, and fantastical feeding feats. We've talked about it all summer, but hadn't mustered up the courage to venture too far from home. After all, even my carefully baby-proofed living room is like an amusement park for my toddler, who tries dancing on the coffee table and riding the back of the couch like a horsey. Our preschool-aged son never. stops. moving. Ever. And baby girl smallest is rocking back and forth on hands and knees, trying to crawl way earlier than the other two did just to keep up.

Still, every few days one of us will ask the other " you want to go anywhere this summer?"

And yes, we do. We might be crazy. But I know it will be fun, and full of laughs, and new adventures, great memories and goofy pictures. Recently, Country Inns & Suites offered our family some FREE nights so that we could enjoy road trip country this summer! We're heading out in a couple of days and we'll be sharing some highlights of our trip along the way. We'll be going to Streams and Shores Country, and taking in many of the suggested sites on the itinerary as we visit the Twin Cities. We'll be staying really close to the Mall of America, and we're bound to find some outdoor fun at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and the Walker Sculpture Garden, too. We'll also be enjoying some great amenities at our home away from home.

Minnesota, here we come!

So tell me...

What’s your idea of the best last-minute vacation?


  1. how fun! I cant wait to follow along! :-) My idea would be a trip to the beach! We live in FL and havent been able to visit the beach in about 2 years!! (4 hours away- darn central FL!)

  2. It sounds like you guys are definitely due for a vacation.

    I recently stayed at The Country Inn & Suites and my family loved it!

    I have always wanted to see the Mall of America, even though I am NOT a mall person.

    Have a great trip, I look forward to hearing all about it.


  3. I hope you have a great time. I really dreaded our first trip with baby boy, but it turned out okay. Last minute trips for us are usually to visit family and go to the beach. The ILs are only an hour from the beach, so that's a huge plus.

  4. Enjoy your trip! Honestly, I'm not much of a last minute kind of person :) But whenever we're out of town we like to find kitchy little places to eat...local food is great! I hope you have a wonderful time!!!

  5. Yay for a little vacation! I hope you all have fun.

    My idea of a last minute vacay? A night away without the kids to wake me up all night and too early in the morning!

  6. Living in Orlando we love to run off to the islands. Amelia Island, Key West..whatever! Great post!

    Lee :)
    mysentimentexactlee @ gmail dot com

  7. A free vacation? I'm jealous beyond words.

    ...mostly because I'm cheap beyond measure.

    But still, that's awesome.

  8. Sounds like so much fun. My perfect last-minute vacation would be something easy and relaxing!

  9. Really cool that Country Inns is working with bloggers.


What's on your mind?