
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Holiday shopping for therapeutic toys!

Well...I'm in full-swing shopping mode.

Maybe not so much on Friday morning at 4 am, but I'm definitely on the lookout for things that will bring my children smiles this year, and help them learn and grow.

My kids don't really need toys. At all. We seem to have toys coming out of every corner of our home, in fact. What I would like to do is provide my kids, and ask Santa to bring, some wonderful things that will help them make new discoveries and provide some new challenges and fun. For my daughter with autism, I'm shopping almost exclusively for "sensory-friendly" toys and materials that will support her therapy goals.

Soft clothing and HL3B have a Sensory Friendly holiday giveaway going on that would be so fun for my daughter to win. Check out the fun items they will be giving away:

I'd be delighted for her to have any of these play items to use in her therapy. She'd also look gorgeous in that yellow Soft party dress! No bothersome tag or seams, either!

Wish me luck, or go enter the giveaway for a child in your life who would also benefit from some wonderful sensory-friendly materials like these.


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